An ISO 9001:2008 Company According to WHO and GMP Standards


Astrica Biomedics is to dependably provide quality solutions to all and maintain keep up a heading position in the neighborhood markets. Our PCD PHARMA COMPANY quality center includes all zones of its assembling operations – to best assembling innovation, utilitarian operations – from on time conveyance of definitions – along these lines guaranteeing a brisk entrance in the down home markets across the country.

We depend on the most elevated quality gauges in accomplishing the greater part of our objectives. With friendly working environment, strong infrastructure and dedicated technical staff and committed management work to maintain updated quality management systems.

Our Quality Assurance Department screens all phases of processing, investigation, and warehousing which is essential in the PHARMA COMPANY FRANCHISE. They continuously work on quality contemplations by performing methodical examining and testing at each stage from crude materials, through every strategy of middle of the road and completed pharmaceutical details. We have fully fledged quality control laboratories with special areas for chemical, instrument, microbiology and package testing.

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For Monopoly PCD Pharma Franchise